Get hurt in a car wreck? Get hit by a truck driver? Fall in a parking lot?
Featured on magazine covers, billboards, the music scene and more.

Case Results

Client was rear-ended in a car accident: $538k recovered for spinal injuries.
Motorcyclist was hit by a car and needed multiple foot surgeries: $325k recovered.
Client needed knee and back surgery after a serious car accident: $278k recovered.

Heard Of David Komie?
You may have seen David Komie around Austin – the one on the billboards with the dreadlocks. Maybe you saw him at a bar playing with his band.
He’s down-to-earth. He’s laid-back. He’s also a lawyer.
He’s recovered a lot of money for musicians in Austin, those in the music industry and more who have been injured in car wrecks, motorcycle accidents and semi-truck accidents.
He’s also helped people who’ve suffered injuries after they’ve slipped and fallen in gas station parking lots, grocery stores, bars and venues.
Meet Austin Personal Injury Lawyers David And Matthew
David Komie is known around Austin. So is his brother, Matthew, and they work as a team helping injured people get the money they need.
You need a lawyer, you’ll work with David or Matt. You’re not going to work with a case manager. If you call the firm, you talk to David or Matthew about your case, not a secretary or law clerk.
It’s that simple.
Another Result That Rocks – From An Attorney That Rocks
It’s not every day that you see a lawyer with dreadlocks, a scruffy beard and a T-shirt – let alone one who plays in a band and hangs out regularly with those in the music scene.
Is he a real lawyer? Does he know what he’s doing? These are many questions people ask when they hear about David Komie.
Yes. He’s a real lawyer. He’s also recovered hundreds of thousands of dollars for people throughout Austin.
Take a look:
- Client was rear-ended in a car accident: $538k recovered for spinal injuries.
- Motorcyclist was hit by a car and needed multiple foot surgeries: $325k recovered.
- Client needed knee and back surgery after a serious car accident: $278k recovered.
- Check out the Results page for more.
David Komie may be different than your average lawyer, but he fights for those who truly need a break in life after serious injuries.
He’s recovered money for people who have been injured so that they can pay their medical bills, like those for expensive surgeries and doctor visits. He’s recovered lost wages for people who were injured and couldn’t earn their paychecks.
Take a peek at his other case results.
You Call, You Speak With Us. Your First Meeting Is Free.
If you, your family member – or even a friend – was injured, call David or Matt. They can talk to you about what happened and what they may be able to recover. The first meeting is always free.
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