Maintenance Failures May Be The Cause Of Truck Accidents
If you suffered injuries or lost a loved one in a trucking accident, it is understandable that you would have some questions about the accident and your rights following it. Why did it happen and can I seek compensation are both common questions that, if answered, can help you as you strive to move forward. David Komie Law, is here and ready to answer any questions you have after injuries caused by commercial trucking accidents.
Components Prone To Failure
Trucking accidents happen for a number of reasons. Many people believe driver error is behind most of these incidents, but maintenance issues actually contribute to many of them as well. Federal law requires that commercial trucks be properly maintained. This means that trucking companies are supposed to make sure their vehicles are inspected according to specific schedules and removed from use until any problems are fixed. Drivers are also supposed to regularly inspect their rigs.
All truck components can break at any time, however, certain parts are more prone to failure than others — especially if they are not maintained properly. The components most prone to failure are:
- Brakes
- Lights
- Mirrors
- Tires
Without functioning lights and mirrors, truck drivers lose their ability to see others around them. Without properly functioning brakes, truck drivers lose their ability to stop or slow for traffic. When tires blow or come off semitrailers, truck drivers may lose control of their vehicles resulting in accidents. Or, the tire debris may hit passing cars. Our law firm has experience investigating whether maintenance failures contributed to trucking accidents.
Holding The Right People Responsible For Your Losses
If you suffered injuries in a trucking accident or lost a loved one in such an event, you have firsthand knowledge of just how damaging these incidents can be. Thankfully, you do not have to bear the full effect of your losses alone.
Our firm is here to assist you in seeking fair and full compensation. We have more than 60 years of combined experience managing accident cases and holding those individuals responsible for our clients’ losses accountable. To contact one of the experienced attorneys at David Komie Law, for a free consultation, call us at 512-937-1291 or fill out our simple contact form.