There would not be much trade between states or food on the shelves of supermarkets without trucks, vans and commercial vehicles. Even in a state with as many transport options as Texas, truckers take the lion’s share of goods to market. However, the size and weight of trucks can make them deadly when they are out of control.
It was a light truck that caused two deaths and threw a Taylor County town into mourning recently when the pickup drifted out of control and into opposing traffic while headed northbound on U.S. Route 83. The truck hit another pickup and a black sport utility vehicle carrying the mayor of the town as well as his wife.
Both people died in the collision before emergency services arrived at the scene. There are no reports of immediate criminal charges against any of the drivers involved in the crash or any additional injuries to people involved.
“Our prayers and thoughts are with the [family],” according to a statement released by the municipality. “The community, council and employees will miss them greatly.”
Even if prosecutors decline to hold a driver criminally liable for the results of an accident, the victims of a truck accident or the survivors of those killed in such accidents may make a claim in civil court. Financial restitution can help reimburse people for medical or end-of-life expenses as well as provide compensation for the losses related to a tragic accident.
An attorney can help victims and their families evaluate their options for a settlement or jury verdict related to a truck accident. Legal representation may increase the chances of a successful claim.