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When could a truck be responsible for a rear-end collision?

On Behalf of | Nov 15, 2019 | Truck Accidents

Trucks have a huge amount of force due to their weight and speed. This is why drivers who have been rear-ended by a truck can suffer such catastrophic injuries. Unfortunately, rear-end truck collisions are relatively common.

If you or a loved one has suffered injuries as the result of a collision with a truck, you should make sure that fault is correctly established. By showing that the truck driver or trucking company was at fault for the causation of the accident, you may be able to maximize the damages you receive. The following are some common ways that truckers can be at fault for the causation of a rear-end collision.

Distracted driving

Sadly, many injuries occur, and countless lives are lost due to distracted driving. Drivers need to keep their focus on the road ahead at all times. This means that they should limit conversations, and they should never use their phone or eat when driving.

Not ensuring that there is a 4-second distance

Trucks take a considerable amount of time to come to a full stop. This is why it is recommended that all truck drivers keep a 4-second distance between their vehicle and the vehicle in front. This means that in the event of a vehicle in front stopping suddenly, the truck will have enough time to react.

Fatigued driving

Truck drivers often suffer fatigue after hours on the road, which can contribute to delayed responses when driving. All drivers have the responsibility to take rest before getting behind the wheel.

A collision with a truck can lead to huge physical and emotional damages, so it is important to take action to get the compensation you deserve.


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