A teenager’s life has been cut short in an unfortunate car crash in Lubbock. In addition, two people have suffered injuries in the incident. Another man who was reportedly involved in the crash now faces a drunk driving and other criminal charges in connection with the fatal collision as well.
Events leading up to the deadly wreck
The fatal collision took place at a little before 1 a.m. on a recent Thursday. According to police, a 30-year-old man was driving his pickup truck south along a road. Meanwhile, a 20-year-old individual was driving a sport utility vehicle west on a nearby access road. All of a sudden, the truck allegedly collided with the sport utility vehicle at the intersection of the two roads.
A 17-year-old girl was riding in the sport utility vehicle and passed away at the accident scene. However, the person driving the sport utility vehicle survived the crash and was transported to the hospital with moderate injuries. A nearby 21-year-old pedestrian also suffered injuries after being struck by debris associated with the crash, although the injuries were deemed minor. Police said the pickup truck driver did not stop after the crash. Instead of trying to help those at the accident scene, he reportedly fled before being arrested on charges of evading, not stopping and rendering aid, and intoxication manslaughter.
Legal recourse may be possible in these situations
The family members of the teenager who died in the recent accident may choose to file a wrongful death claim against the pickup truck driver who reportedly caused the crash due to driving while intoxicated. Likewise, the two injured parties may opt to file personal injury claims against him, seeking the reimbursement of financial damages. If the pickup driver ends up being convicted on his charges, proof of the conviction may be presented in civil court in an effort to establish liability in the accident. If they are successful in their claims, the plaintiffs may receive damages to cover losses stemming from the crash, such as hospital bills and burial costs in the case of the deceased teenager.