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Who pays for a pedestrian’s injuries when they get hit by a car?

On Behalf of | May 26, 2023 | Pedestrian Injuries

Every time a pedestrian in Texas crosses the street, they run the risk of a collision with a motor vehicle. Sometimes, pedestrians get killed in crashes caused by someone driving a car. Even when they use a marked crosswalk and check the street carefully before crossing, a pedestrian is largely at the mercy of the behavior of those who are driving motor vehicles. Even super cautious pedestrians can end up hurt by unsafe drivers who don’t pay attention to their surroundings, drive too fast or get behind the wheel after drinking.

So, when pedestrians are injured from a vehicle, who can they sue?

When insurance falls short, the courts may help

In theory, any driver who hits a pedestrian in Texas will have insurance coverage that applies to the crash. Their policy can help pay for property damage losses and can also reimburse the injured pedestrian for their hospital expenses and lost wages.

However, some drivers don’t carry insurance, and many others carry bad policies that technically comply with state law but don’t provide enough protection for anyone hurt in a crash. So, when a driver doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough insurance and they are clearly to blame for a collision, they could face a civil lawsuit brought by the person injured. In other words, the injured party could go after their personal assets in court.

Pedestrians often struggle with major expenses after they get hit by vehicles. In order to fully understand the types of compensation to pursue and from whom, those injured should reach out to a professional for answers. A qualified auto accident injury attorney can offer guidance on the law and possible compensation for specific circumstances.



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